Friday, December 4, 2009

PDC welcomes Obama Afghanistan stategy

PDC welcomes Obama Afghanistan strategy
PDC welcomes Obama, s new strategy for Afghanistan and termed it a positive step towards stability and peace in region. The strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan was more important than Iraq where the resources and forces were used ignoring the importance of Afghanistan and region which diverted attention from the real place of terrorism which was rightly called as center of terrorism by the American President Obama. It was very encouraging to hear the US President saying that Afghanistan was not lost and there is no imminent threat of the government being overthrown. The world should understand that terrorists have no capability to re emerge in Afghanistan but the sources of terrorism which are known should be eliminated. There are more than 92 centers in Pakistan which are active spreading terrorism in region. These centers of terrorism have made Afghanistan as a hell and do not love to see a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan which can guarantee the development and stability in region if left to get developed and peace establishes there. All centers of terrorism are in Punjab province of Pakistan from where the terrorists are sent to FATA and Afghanistan and sabotage the peace and development efforts of international community. Now the American President has hit the right place from where the terrorism originates by calling it as Epicenter of violent extremism. PDC lauded the announcement of Mr. President regarding strengthening the capacity of Afghanistan’s security forces and government. Those who are not tired saying that Afghanistan has been captured by American forces should have heard the speech of President Obama where he declared that Afghan government and people would be the ultimate responsible for their own country and Americans are partners and not patron. Americans seek an end to the era of war and sufferings and have no interest in occupying one’s country. Terrorism which he termed as cancer on both sides of Durand line should effectively be harnessed. This is also encouraging to note in the speech that America and world could no more tolerate safe havens of terrorists whose location is known and whose intentions are clear. PDC appreciated the sentence in which American President Obama said that every man, woman and child around the world who lives under the dark cloud of tyranny that America will speak out on behalf of their human rights and tend to light of freedom and justice and opportunity and respect for dignity and all people. PDC wishes to see all the claims in practical and deeds should speak louder than words.
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun Democratic Council

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

teasin, tormenting and arrest of Afghans in Peshawar is condemnable

Pashtun Democratic Council
Press Release
Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council Zar Ali Khan Musazai has strongly denounced the illegal arrest, teasing and tormenting of the Afghans in Peshawar city and other parts of Pashtunkhwa. He said that Police and other law enforcement Agencies have made life for Afghans as a hell and their illegal arrest by police and imprisonment in various lock ups and goals of the Peshawar city and province is a shame for the government of Awami National Party which champions the cause of Pashtun/Afghans. Afghans are having the biometric Cards issued to them by the UNHCR. Those Afghans who have no such cards should not be arrested and tormented in the way the police and law enforcement agencies have been treating them. This is an insult to Pashtun/Afghans and this is intolerable. Afghans are neither terrorists nor having links with terrorists. The present wave of terrorism is due to wrong policies of the establishment of Pakistan, its military and ISI intervention in each and every thing especially in affairs of the neighboring countries and people. The terrorists have been and are still being nurtured and produced by the establishment and its Intelligence network and sleuths which is a shameful act. International community understands it well and those who have closed eyes are living in fool’s paradise. This negative attitude of the police and other agencies towards Afghans in Peshawar is very intolerable for us all. We realize that the solution of the present day problem is to get all Pashtun/Afghans united, abolish the black line of artificial division Durand line. Afghanistan is the historical home of all Afghans. Until the break away parts of Afghanistan are taken back and Pashtun are not united with their home Afghanistan the situations will remain as it is and Pakistani notorious establishment will be using the soil of Pashtun for its nefarious designs and Pashtun will be bleeding. Pakistan has completely failed to eliminate terrorism from the region. Now this country should show courage and advise international community to perch on the places of terrorism and help them clean it otherwise Pakistan has no capability to solve the problem and this will be complicated with each passing day and children of the Pashtun will be dying. Pashtun Democratic Council demands of the international community. US, Afghan government and UN to intervene into the matter and save the Afghans from the atrocities and barbarism of the police and other law enforcement agencies on the name of the elimination of terrorism. This is an insult to all Afghans if tormented in Peshawar. Afghans were pious people and Islamic brothers for the Pakistan when she was using them for its own purpose and now the Afghans are asked to go back. Elimination of terrorism needs commitment and sincerity on the part of Pakistan. This can not be wiped out by teasing, tormenting and arrest of the Afghans in Peshawar irrespective of their ages. We believe that Punjab is the center of terrorism and until Islamabad and Rawalpindi show sincerity this menace will continue. This problem has not been initiated by Afghans. Pakistan has created it and only this country has its treatment on the condition of sincerity and commitment. Afghan Government is also strongly requested to raise this important issue with the Pakistani government and ANP to avoid arrest and insult to Afghans in Peshawar.
Issued by
Pashtun Democratic Council

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

His Excellency! Karzai felicitated on his re-election as President

Pashtun Democratic Council
Press Release
Peshawar ( ) Pashtun Democratic Council is pleased to hear the nice and good news of Hamid Karzai who was re-elected as President of the Afghanistan. His Excellency! Hamid Khan Karzai is the representative of all 34 provinces of Afghanistan and all those Afghans living this side of the Durand line.
I facilitate His Excellency and all Afghans on this occasion of happiness and satisfaction on my own behalf and on behalf of my Organization, Pashtun Democratic Council.
We have the great pleasure to extend to him and all Pashtun/Afghans our heartiest and warmest felicitations on his re-election as President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The Govt. and people of Afghanistan deserve to be congratulated on this great occasion of pleasure and unity. The election Commission of Afghanistan is also lauded for its untiring efforts which worked day and night to pave the way for promoting democratic process in Afghanistan. His Excellency! Hamid Karzai and his team is hoped to work for the development of Afghanistan and to serve the common men, women and Children alike. He is a symbol of unity for all Pashtun/Afghans living both sides of Durand line. We Pashtun living this side of Durand line hope that His Excellency will not leave us alone and will raise his voice for us on all fora of world. Today Pashtun are in very great distress and trouble and there is no one to talk in their favor. This nation is tipped as terrorist and militant but the actual position is that there are other forces which have been using this nation and this soil for their nefarious designs. Hamid Karzai is the sole hope for the Pashtun/Afghans to stay as a rock to defend his nation and people. Our prayers and good wishes are for him and his administration. We also acknowledge the efforts and services of international community especially America, NATO, UN and European Union whose people, soldiers and governments did their best to restore peace in Afghanistan and put this country on the path of democracy and prosperity.
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun/Afghan Democratic Council
Cell: 0301-5963337

Friday, October 30, 2009

Clergy and intelligence agencies are playing dirty game on the blood of innocent Pashtun

Pashtun Democratic Council
Clergy and intelligence agencies are playing dirty game on the blood of innocent Pashtun
By Zar ali khan musazai
We strongly condemn the inhuman incident of car bomb in Peshawar city in which more than 100 innocent civilian mostly women and children martyred and more than 200 seriously wounded. Pashtun Democratic Council consider it as a genocide of the Pashtun nation by the barbarian negative and anti-Pashtun forces which are bent upon to annihilate this nation but one has to understand that neither Changez khan nor Sikandar have ever succeeded to annihilate this nation. Those terrorists who are playing as agents of the conspirators who are sitting miles away from the pashtun area should try to understand that playing havoc with own nation is treachery. Today Pashtun ask the question as to who are doing this barbarism with them. The answer is simple that only and only Pakistani establishment, military, ISI and their partner militants (Terrorists) are responsible for this enmity against Pashtun. Pakistani religious clerics and religious parties are trying to hoodwink the people and international community about the real situations. In Pakistan mulla-military have formed an alliance to wipe out the pashtun. Mulla has been working for the nefarious designs of the ISI and establishment. ISI and Pakistan never ever want to see a prosperous, developed and peaceful democratic Afghanistan and for this purpose these two forces with the connivance of some hidden forces have joined hands to sabotage the development in the region. Today we hear religious parties in Pakistan asking Americans to go back to America from Afghanistan and at same time they denounce Lugar bill. American forces are sitting in more than 100 countries of the world but no where there happens any violence or opposition to American forces but here in Pakistan clergy is mobilizing people against the Americans and international community. It means that Pakistan through its clergy sees the dream to the capture Afghanistan after the departure of the Americans. All the nationalist and democratic Secular political and tribal Pashtun are being or have been assassinated by the notorious hands of the terrorists. The sole aim of self made insurgency in Pashtun region is the handi work of the intelligence agencies and it is quite foolish to believe that Americans and Indians are doing it. No one except the Pakistani intelligence agencies are responsible. This is just to befool the people and international community and divert the attention from the real players in region. Today we see that a particular religious party Jumati Islami, known as B-team of Pakistani intelligence agency ISI has been protesting Kerry Lugar bill. They both know that the bill in question is meant to develop the social sector in Pashtun areas including FATA and malakand, Swat etc. When this religious party was in government in Musharraf era then there was no hue and cry over such donations. But when Americans made their mind to spend the money on development and for the betterment of the People of Pashtun region then religious parties started hue and cry saying that now the dooms day will fall on them. This is once again a conspiracy against the pashtun and they do not love to see Pashtun be educated and prosperous. They are doing this nefarious job to keep the pashtun backward and ignorant; their sole aim is to use them against foreign forces in Afghanistan. Now international community including Americans should realize the gravity of situations and leave Pashtun be their friends. Americans do know where are the centers of terrorism? They are situated in Punjab. Then what are the hurdles which stop Americans and international community to hit the real centers of terrorism. Only fighting against Pashtun will not prove to be real solution. Unless and until the sources are targeted the problem will not be solved and this process will continue. Pashtin will be dying, American and NATO forces will be martyred in Afghanistan and the real conspirators will get dollars and lead a comfortable life. Oh, Americans and international community for God sake leave Pashtun to lead a peaceful life and go to the real places from where the terrorism originates, I mean Punjab and Islambad. Fault does not lie in Pashtun region rather it is in Islamabad. We once again condemn the attacks on innocent Pashtun and demand of international community to come behind terrorists and annihilate their nests in Punjab and befriend Pashtun which is the only and real solution if interested. We condole the death of all those Pashtun women, children and young who embraced martyrdom in suicide attacks in Peshawar and other parts of the Pashtunkhwa. The clothes of Pashtun women and children were hanging through the walls of high buildings and most of our women were made nude and naked but still Pashtun and international community both are slumbering in ignorance. We Pashtun know our enemy well and enemy is still busy making conspiracies against us.
(The Writer is Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council and can be reached at his email,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Durand Line and Afghans/Pakhtoon National Unity

Durand Line and Afghans/Pakhtoon National Unity
A well- Known and reputed Afghan writer Abdul Ghafar farahi in his book: The Era of Democracy and Republic in Afghanistan; writes about Durand Line; When the people of Afghanistan came to know about the agreement of Durand Line between Ameer Abdul-Rehman Khan and the British, they turned down the said pact and strongly opposed it and those Pakhtoons/Afghans living this side of Durand Line started a war against the occupied forces until they left the sub-Continent in 1947 and he further says; they people of Afghanistan have a strong disliking for that so-called agreement of the Durand Line. When Wazirs and Masood and other Pakhtoon tribes sensed that their national identity was at stake by imperialist forces and were divided, they were greatly perturbed and immediately sent a representative to Pakhtia where he visited Sardar Gul Ahmad Khan the Governor of Pakhtia to let them know about the signing of the agreement between Abdul-Rehman Khan and the British.
The representative told the Governor that his people were not ready to recognize their division, and would keep continued their war against it and would never surrender. Sardar Gul Ahmad Khan expressed his ignorance about such an agreement and assured the representative that no such pact was ever signed. But when Pakhtoon/Afghan tribes sensed it they took up arms and initiated the armed struggle to foil the conspiracies, which led to their division.
The Durand Line had not only divided one nation but its worst impacts had suffered houses and same tribes, as it had segregated one body into many parts. When Ameer realized that his decision was not accepted to his people and were opposed to it tooth and nail, he then started helping them with weapons and pelf. Ameer called famous Pakhtoon freedom fighter mullah Pawinda Waziri and mulla Najmuddin and many more tribal chiefs to Kabul and he showed his reverence and respect to them all. Ameer Abdul Rehman Khan was a wise man.
He knew well that he was unable to defend his all areas and the entire Afghanistan could be suffered if he was reluctant to sit with the British and hand over them some areas of his country Afghanistan for administrative purpose. The region where Pakhtoons are living today which was and is still called with an infamous nameless name (NWFP) was occupied by the British in the year of 1849. When the English forces were badly routed in Kabul by Afghans under the courageous and bold leadership of wazir Muhammad Akbar Khan.
The English forces and rulers alike were disgusted and dejected as Afghan forces had left their one man Doctor Brydon alive with a purpose to go back to Jalalabad and apprise his army about their shameful and ignoble defeat at the hands of Afghans in Kabul. Sensing gravity of the situations and defeat after defeat, the British rulers of India opted to come to negotiating table with Afghans, weaken their combined force and save themselves from the further ignobility and disgrace. Henry Mortimer Durand the then foreign secretary of British India went to Kabul where he visited Ameer Abdul Rehman Khan and got him signed the pact.
The real aim of the pact was to hamper the onward advent of Russians to the warm waters of sub-continent and divide Pakhtoon nation to decrease its might so that they could not stand as a threat to their interests and challenge their authority in this important region. The Durand agreement or the Kabul convention of 1893 is briefly given as follows: whereas certain questions have arisen regarding the frontier of Afghanistan on the side of India and whereas both His Highness the Ameer and the Government of India are desirous of setting these questions by friendly understanding, and of fixing the limit of their respective sphere of influence, so that for the future there may no difference of opinion on the subject between the allied Governments, it is hereby agreed as follows:
1The eastern and southern frontier of His Highness domains from Wakhan to the Persian border shall follow the line shown on the map attached to this agreement.
2The Government of India will at no time exercise interference in the territories lying beyond this line on the side of Afghanistan, and His Highness the Ameer will at no time exercise interference in the territories laying beyond this line on the side of India.
3The British Government of India thus agrees to His Highness the Ameer retaining Asmar and the valley above it, as for as Chanak. His Highness agrees, on the other hand, that he will at no time exercise interference in Swat, Bajour, or Chitral, including the areaway or Bashgal valley. The British Government also agree to leave to His Highness the Barmal tracts as shown in detailed map already given to His Highness, who relinquishes his claim to the rest of Wazir, s country and Dawar. His Highness also relinquishes his claim to Chageh.
4The frontier line will hereafter be laid down in detail and demarcated, whenever this may be practicable and desirable, by joint British-Afghan commissioners, whose object will be to arrive by mutual understanding at a boundary which shall adhere with the greatest possible exactness to the line shown in the map attached to this agreement, having due respect to the existing local rights of the villages adjoining the frontier.
5With reference to the question of Chaman, the Ameer withdraws his objection to the new British cantonment and concedes to the British Government the rights purchased by him in Sirkai Tilerai water. At this part of the frontier the line will be drawn as follows:
From the crest of Khwaja Amran range the sha kotal, which remains in the British territory, the line will run in such a direction as to leave murgha Chaman and the Shorab spring to Afghanistan, and to pass half- way between the new Chaman fort and the Afghan outposts known locally as Lashkar Dand. The line will then pass half-way between the railway station and the hill known as the Main Buldak, and, turning southwards, will rejoin the Khwaja Amran range leaving the Gwasha post in the British territory and the road to Shorawak to the west and the south of Gwasha in Afghanistan. The British Government will not exercise any interference within half a mile of the road.
6The above articles of agreement are regarded by the Government of India and His Highness the Ameer of Afghanistan as a full and satisfactory settlement of all principles of which have arisen between them in regard to the frontier, and the Government of India and His Highness the Ameer undertake that any difference of detail, such as those which will have to be considered hereafter by the officers appointed to demarcate the boundary line, shall be settled in a friendly spirit, so as to remove for the future as for as possible all causes of doubt and misunderstanding between the two governments.
7Being fully satisfied of His Highness, goodwill to the British Government and wishing to see Afghanistan strong, the Government of India will raise no objection to the purchase and import by His Highness of munitions of war, and they will themselves grant him some help in this respect. Further, in order to make their sense of the friendly spirit in which His Highness the Ameer has entered in to these negotiations, the government of India undertake to increase by the sum of 6 lakhs of rupees a year the subsidy of 12 lakhs now granted to His Highness.
Kabul, November 12, 1893
H.M Durand
Ameer Abdul Rehman Khan

If one studies the agreement seriously he will at once realize that the agreement was signed between the British Government and His Highness Ameer Abdul Rehman Khan. The name of Pakistan has never been mentioned anywhere in the entire text of the agreement. There were still more than 50 years in the birth of Pakistan at the time of agreement. The British left the sub-continent in 1947.
All the agreements and pacts between Afghanistan and the British Government of India automatically remained revoked, because one party of the agreement is no more in India and the agreement was also not signed willingly. The Ameer was weaker and the British Government was strong enough to have exerted the pressure and brought the weaker under duress to sign the agreement. If the agreement taken to a third party it has no such complicated thing, which will turn against Pakhtoon and Afghanistan.
Just after the departure of the English from the sub-continent the parliament of Afghanistan announced revoking their all agreements with the British Government of India .So there seems no validity of the Durand line, which has segregated Pakhtoons/Afghans for the last several decades. Pakistani establishment has been struggling to befool the world, calling for mines and to fencing the line on the clever pretext of stopping the infiltration of the terrorists and insurgents to Afghanistan .
The demarcation of the line is nowhere is clear and the world should realize that the pact has never been signed with Pakistan. Gone are the days when the British forces had a threat to that side of the Durand line but today they have faced a threat from this side of the Durand line. If the British forces and Americans stationed in Kabul take a decision to take their line somewhere away from the Durand line then what will be her reaction to the decision? Pakistan establishment is bent upon to perpetuate the artificial division of the Pakhtoon on the pretext of terrorists and containment of the Taliban. If one looks he can very easily find out that the real fault does not lie on the Durand line it lies in Islamabad.
The Pakistani establishments and the Governments have never been sincere with Afghanistan, and the foreign office of Pakistan is not ready to stop its policy of interference in Afghanistan. The world should open its eyes and to see as to who are standing behind the Taliban and terrorists who are frequently crossing over to Afghanistan and destroy the peace there? And why they are being supported? What are the nefarious designs behind the entire drama? But no Government in Afghanistan could dare to bargain on heads of the Pakhtoons living this side of the Durand line and accept it as a permanent border between two countries as it is an important question concerning more than 7 crore Pakhtoons living both sides of Durand line and in the different parts of the world. Until this artificial division of one nation is finished the world in general and Asia in particular will not be able to see a prosperous dawn.
But the Pakhtoons will have to struggle in a peaceful way and aprise the world of their bad days and troubles, which the others have created for them. Now we have to wait and see what the allied forces and their countries have in their pockets for Pakhtoons, whom they had divided earlier, and the policy of hot-pursuit to hit the enemy anywhere to eliminate the menace of Taliban, terrorism, fundamentalism, and anti-Pakhtoon forces who are killing Pakhtoons and destroy the future of their posterity, which have had an institutional support somewhere away from the Durand line.
Written by
Chairman Pakhtoon/Afghan Democratic Council

Monday, October 5, 2009

Amir Hamza Khan , the Poet of Ghazal

Amir Hamza Khan , the Poet of Ghazal
By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Amir Hamza Khan Shinwari was born in the village of Landi Kotal , Khyber in 1907. But he spent the more part of his life in Peshawar.It is said that in winter he lived in a small home situated inside of Aasia gate while in summer he lived in his own native village situated in the west of Peshawar in mountains near Durand line,Landikotal. The weather is commonly pleasant there and one can spend his time without having electricity fan. Hamza Baba was not a lonely person and he was always surrounded by his will-wishers, friends and disciples where ever he was. He was having a sound health and mind while he was hearing little loud and his eye sight was also very good and as for as his memory concerned was wonderful. Hamza baba remembered his all poetry and besides he had memorized the poetry of other poets belonging to other languages. He used to recite his poems in Urdu language but on the advice of his Pir Abdul Sattar shah Bacha he started his poems in his own mother language Pashto. He was an encyclopedia of Pashto literature. His services for Pashto language and literature are innumerable. He is known as Baba-e- Pashto Ghazal. As he says:
Sta pa Anango ki a Hamza da weeno sra de
Ta shway da Pukhto Ghazal zwan ao za de Baba kram
(The color in your cheeks is the color of the blood of Hamza)
(0, Pashto Ghazal, you are grown up but Hamza became old)
Hamza baba was a student in Islamis Collegiate School but due to his family reasons he could not continue his higher education and left education in mid way while his love for Urdu poetry also diminished and gave his full fledged attention to his own language Pashto. After leaving his School he was soon married and employed in the office of Political Agent in Landi Kotal. Soon he left his job there and went to Bombay to try his luck there. Bombay was then a sort of Hollywood of sub- continent. Although this tour of Bombay proved to be a misadventure but Baba did not lose heart and the year of 1920 he succeeded in getting the role in a film. In 1941 he was called upon by Rafique Ghaznavi to write script, songs and dialogue for the Pashto film Laila Majnoon. Hamza baba was deeply trenched in mysticism and about his this experience he says: I stepped into the land of wonders in 1930. I was not consciously inclined that way before and it would be more true to say that I have not come here of my own but was simply dragged to it. Hamza baba took formal allegiance, in Chistia order , at the hands of his Pir Sayyed Abdul Sattar Shah commonly known as Sattar shah Bacha in Dabgari Peshawar.In 1937 a Pashto literary society called Bazm-e- Adab was founded by baba. Syed Rahat Zakheli was elected as its President while Hamza baba was elected as a vice-presidentand. Bacha Gul Niazi as its general secretary. Later on Hamza baba was made its president and he started looking after of this society. In the year 1950, this society was merged into a larger society called Olasi Adabi Jirga. The moving spirit behind this August Jirga was Sanobar Hussain Kakaji with Hamza Shinwari and Dost Mohammad Kamil as its vice-president and general secretary. Its membership consisted of Qalandar Momand, Ajmal Khattak, Mir Mehdi Shah, Wali Mohammad Toofan, Fazle Haq Shaida, Saifur Rehman Salim, Afzal Bangash, Latif Wahmi, Hussain Khan Soz, Ayub Sabir, Farigh Bokhari, Raza Hamdani, Qamar Rahi and a number of others. Apart from promoting poetry this Jirga also paid equal attention to the promotion of Pashto prose. For poetry as well as prose, it started holding regular sessions at the Balakhana of Kamil sab in Peshawar's famous Khyber Bazar.
Hamza baba had a great love for his own language Pashto and says:
The enemys say that Pashto is a language of hell
I will go to heaven with this language.
About his own land in India he writes:
I feel the taste of Pakhtoonkhwa in India,
when I come across an Afghan there
this shows his love for his mother land Pashtunkhwa.
In 1962 Hamza Baba published his first major work on Philosophy called Zhwand and in 1970 he published the accounts of his pilgrimage to Makka with his well known verse.
Hamza safar ka da Hijaz no hom
Za da Pukhtoon da Qafillo sara zam
Even on my journey to Hijaz Hamza,
I go with caravans of the Pakhtoon
In 1970 he published the memoir of his Sheikh Syed Abdus Sattar Shah.
Important works of Hamza Baba

Poetry: Da zarrah aawaz, Ghazawooney, Baheer, Parey wooney, Saprlaey pa aaina key, Yoon, Szuand au yoon, Salgai and Naawey chapey (A travelogue).

Prose: Da Hijaz palour, (A travelogue in Pushto), Szuawer fikraunah, (Critical essays) Szuand, Wajood shahood, (Philosophical essays in Urdu), Insaan aur khuda (Urdu), Tajjliyat-i-Mohammadia (Pushto) and Insanee anaa au pooha (Pusht

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jacob-j-Lew US Deputy Secretary, FATA Secretariat and CSOs of FATA

Jacob-j-Lew US Deputy Secretary, FATA Secretariat and CSOs of FATA
By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
The money provided to Pakistan under the Kerry-Lugar Bill will not go directly to the Government of Pakistan. This was reported in a Pakistani newspaper few days ago.
Jacop- j- Lew, US Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources who recently visited Pakistan and NWFP (Pashtunkhwa) Province is said to have uttered these words.
Jacob should also know that money given to Islamabad as aid by the US for development of FATA is eaten up by bureaucracy sitting in Islamabad and FATA Secretariat with both hands as this fund is meant as a bounty for them. This fund is ruthlessly embezzled and will yield no positive result in elimination of terrorism and extremism from FATA and its development and prosperity. There are big crocodiles in FATA who are eating the flesh and sucking the blood of Pashtun tribesmen and tribeswomen. Americans will be thinking that they spent million and million of dollars for development of FATA but on ground the lot of tribal has not yet changed and they see no result on ground. Most chunk of the American fund goes to the account of the organizations working against Americans and their plan to develop FATA and make lives of tribesmen pleasant. There are reports that those organizations and individuals working to strengthening militancy in FATA are the blue eyed- Children of FATA Secretariat while those organizations and individuals who are really secular and anti-militants in FATA are intentionally discouraged and are given nothing. Such organizations and their representatives are the enemies of FATA Secretariat. We do not know whose Agenda is being promoted there by this secretariat? We have clear and clean Agenda to promote peace and develop in FATA and eliminate militancy from there. Our organizations are discouraged why? We pose the question as to why FATA Secretariat is funneled so much huge fund which unfortunately is not spent there in a proper way. FATA Secretariat spends all American funds on the employees of FATA and their security apparently due to fear of the militants while all militants belong to them and will never harm them. They just embezzle the money of American people. There is a leading network of the FATA NGOs namely Tribal Development Forum(TDF) working to promote peace in FATA and develop the area has been neglected and there are reports from inside of FATA Secretariat to discourage it and exert pressure to dismantle it. FATA has been neglected since long and as for as Pakistani state is concerned has done nothing good for FATA and its inhabitants. This establishment has no good intentions there. This was kept in dark intentionally and even today this Pakistani cannibal establishment has been using it and its people. Now a day it is an established fact that Civil Society Organizations in our region face many many problems and the lives of people working in such organizations are under threat and Damocles sword has been hanging over their heads all the times. I am talking of those organizations working in settled districts of NWFP (Pashtunkhwa) province. If we talk about those organizations which are FATA based and native then the situations are quite different and their condition is really alarming and such organizations and their staff have innumerable problems before them. We all know that Civil Society Organizations are the best tools to mobilize the society and work hard to promote pluralism, democracy and educate people to let them know as to who are they and what are their rights?. But as for as FATA and those FATA based organizations concerned are, to be praised as working there is a Herculean task and one has to burn mid-night oil for it. Almost all FATA based native organizations are so poor and resource starved that even they have hardly to pay salaries of their staff. But still these organizations are determined to work in FATA to promote peace and see development there. If some one including US wants to promote peace in FATA and witness a change in lives of the people in FATA then they will have to take the Civil Society Organizations of FATA into confidence and rid them of from crocodiles sitting in Islamabad and FATA Secretariat who have no interest to see a peaceful and developed FATA. If genuine demands of our organizations are not accepted then TDF will take this issue to streets and will demonstrate for the rights of FATA People and right.
We will welcome closure of FATA Secretariat fund by US and strongly demand of US not to release it until Crocodiles are purged out from FATA Secretariat.
(The writer is a Political and Social worker and Spokesman of Tribal Development Forum (TDF) and can be reached on his cell: 0301-5963337, +92-525304)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ruthless killing of Pashtun Students on international literacy day is condemnable

Ruthless killing of Pashtun Students on international literacy day is condemnable

We strongly condemn the ruthless murder of four students of school in Orakzai Agency by the cruel hands of the militants the other day. Ironically this unfortunate incident occurred at a time when the international community was celebrating the international literacy day. Pashtun children/Students are killed while the world and Pakistan are observing the literacy day. What an unfortunate incident was it? Pakistan has turned as a laughing stock in international community. Pashtun are being burnt. World is sleeping. Pakistani-Punjabis sleuths and intelligence Agencies have been playing a dirty game against Pashtun nation. When students are killed on international literacy day then what to say of the enmity against this nation and people. What a state is it where students are murdered and militants are free to move about? Pakistan claims it has more than 1 million armed forces but this is unable to combat against militants. What a drama?

Issued by

Pashtun Democratic Council

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

PDC strongly condemns the martyrdom of Haji Janullah khan Hashimzada

PDC strongly condemns the martyrdom of Haji Janullah Khan
Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council Zar ali khan musazai has strongly condemned the tragic and targetd killing of Haji Janullah Khan Hashimzada. He said that the martyrdom of Haji Janullah khan proved that Journalists are given the punishment for their true writings about the ongoing mulla –military drama staged in Pashtun region without the consent of the Pashtun nation. Haji Janullah khan was an honest man and a professional journalist and his martyrdom proved it that he did not compromise on his principles to write true things and give real situations to the people here and international community alike. He was so professional and honest with his work that he could have the ability to know each and every political worker and regarded all irrespective of one’s political approach and ideology. He used to be busy in his work and always tried his best to get fresh and quality news to his viewers and listeners. His ruthless and cool blooded murder shocked us all. It is a well known fact that Pashtun region has been given as a gift to terrorists by the so called state actors and its nefarious intelligence agencies who with collaboration of some notorious clergy are continuously killing the patriotic Pashtun writers, political workers and other influential Mashran and educated people like they did in Bangladesh but sorry to say that Bengalis had a real and seasoned political leadership while we have been experiencing the vacuum which is taking us to our fatality and black future. This is quiet unacceptable to us all that a journalist of the caliber of Janullah khan was martyred on broad day light on a GT road. Where is the Army? Where is the state? Where is the writ of Political Agent who is a crownless king minting money all the times, eating himself and feeding those sitting in Islamabad and province. This state has become like laughing stock in international community. What a state, when one writes or tells the truth he or she is targetedly assassinated and very innocently says that terrorists have done this heinous crime and the fact is that this state and its all agencies are well aware of all situations and these terrorists are nothing without the strong support of the state actors. State means parents which will give security to its citizens. When a state becomes enemy of its people then what is the need of such state. He also emphasized upon all writers and journalists not to be frightened from such incidents and pen what is right and true. In the long run truth will triumph and lie will have to flee. He prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed soul of Hashimzada and give patience to his family, friends and well wishers to bear this loss with fortitude and steadfastness. AMEEN
Issued by
Pashtun Democratic Council

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mr. Drone you are the real triumphant

Mr. Drone you are the real triumphant
By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Oh, Mr. Drone you are helpful to Pashtun/Afghan and you are the only one to having capability to hit the real and actual target. Pashtun are your friends and do not feel that they will forget you. They will remember you as long as the world is there. You proved your efficiency at last and killed the one which was the blue eyed boy of the intelligence Agencies of Pakistan. You proved that you have the capability to strike those terrorists who make terrorism in Pashtun region. If you were not there the monster terrorists would have eaten us up. Thanks to more and more American pressure on Pakistani military and Government to have started the war against terrorists other wise even the angels of Pakistan should not be trusted. Pashtun love to see you Mr. Drone hovering over the atmosphere of the Pashtun areas and wish to see you hit the real and actual target. Those who condemn you are the real friends of terrorists and they want to perpetuate the miseries and sufferings of the Pashtun. Rest assure that all Pashtun are hostages by the terrorists and those who have created, nurtured, funded, recruited and trained terrorists against the peace, democracy and development of Afghanistan. Now you have to play your role more effectively and seriously as the terrorists and their mentors are busy making other terrorist to lead terrorists in region and keep terrorism alive as for as they can but Pashtun are sure that you will play your role once again to eliminate terrorists and terrorism from the region. Please do not be freighted because Pashtun are pro-drones but due to fear of mulla-military alliance they are afraid of. There is some successful chronology of your strikes.
on Dec 3, 2007, a Predator strike injured Shaykh Issa al-Masri in Jani Khel, Bannu.

On Jan 28, 2008, a Predator killed HVT Abu Layth Al-Libi and associates in Salam Kot, North Waziristan.

On Feb 27, 2008, a drone killed foreign Al Qaeda trainees. On March 16, 2008, more Al Qaeda trainees were killed. The document does not identify those killed in these attacks and does not reveal the places hit by the drones.

On May 14, 2008, a Predator killed HVT Abu Sulayman Al-Jazairi and associates in Damadola, Bajaur.

On July 28, 2008, a Predator strike killed HVT Abu Khabab Al-Masri and other Al Qaeda activists.

On Aug 12, 2008, a Predator killed foreign fighters and militants associated with HVT Usama Al-Kini and commander Nazir.

On Aug 20, 2008, a drone killed and injured multiple foreign Al Qaeda members and local associates, including some Haqqani network associates. An Al Qaeda facilitator Haji Yacoub was injured.

On Aug 27, 2008, a Predator attempted to target an Al Qaeda-associated meeting but missed target. It did not cause collateral damage.

On Aug 30, 2008, a Predator strike killed Al Qaeda paramilitary operatives subordinate to Al Qaeda commander and East Africa Embassy bomber Usama Al Kini.On Aug 31, 2008, a Predator killed several Al Qaeda operatives, including two prominent Al Qaeda paramilitary commanders.

On Sept 2, 2008, a Predator killed four to 10 persons associated with Al Qaeda commander and logistician Abu Wafa Al Saudi.

On Sept 4, 2008, a Predator strike killed Abu Wafa Al Saudi.

On Sept 8, 2008, a Predator killed several Haqqani sub-commanders and a number of Arabs. Members of the extended Haqqani family were killed.

On Sept 11, 2008, a Predator killed 10 to 15 militants associated with Al Qaeda facilitator Qari Imran’s training camp.

On Sept 17, 2008, a Predator killed 4-6 militants delivering rockets to a militant camp near the Afghan border(Durand Line)r and probably HVT Abu Ubaydh Al Tunisi.
And at last the king of terror in Waziristan was hit.
There are some Pakistani pseudo- political analysts for voice of America like Rustam shah Mohmand and Brigidaier Retd. Mehmood Shah who say that this is the success of Pakistan Army to have hit Baitullah Mehsood. What a joke on their part? How can Pakistan kill a person who was a poor and weak IMAMA of a local mosque and was given so much importance. This is the real success of Drone and no one should put the turban of success on one’s head except Mr.Drone.
(The writer is the Chairman Pashtun/Afghan Democratic Council and can be reached on his email.,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kaka ji Sanober Hussain a revolutionary politician

Kaka ji Sanober Hussain a revolutionary Politician

Kaka ji Sanober Hussain was a great hero of the war of independence of sub-continent , a fearless and committed politician, a bold journalist and a good poet .He spent his most precious time fighting against imperialists who ruled India by the time .He was one of those freedom fighters who struggled to liberate India , mould the society , give political education to the masses and help the down trodden and the poor and was having a conscious heart and mind .He had a precious wealth of feelings for humanity and was not satisfied with the man made ups and downs in society. He was a man who did not believe in gods of color and race. It is true that he was basically a politician par excellent but at the same time he was a poet of the Pashto language who had a liking for other languages as well like Persian, Urdu and English. He believed that all languages spoken in different parts of the world belonged to human beings and all are to be given due respect and regard. His each and every moment of life spent for the service of his nation and entire humanity. He worked hard to promote Pashto literature and culture. Kaka ji was a great statesman and an intellectual and men as great as he was, are born once in centuries. He was born in January 1897 in a village names Kaga wala situated about 8 kilometers in the south of Peshawar city on main Kohat road near Badaber. He got formal education up to class 10 from Islamia High school Peshawar city and adopted the profession of education where he taught the children of lesser gods. But he soon realized that his heart and mind were made for some other thing different from what he was doing. He did not like to serve the government rather wished to help his people and humanity from the atrocities and injustices prevailing in society at that time means that he was born free and loved freedom for all and wanted to fly in an atmosphere of the freedom and break all kinds of shackles and fetters of slaver which have fastened the humanity. He wanted to get sub- continent salvated from the plundering and looting by the imperialists. Consequently, kaka ji said good by to the profession of education and took an active part in the practical politics. He founded , Anjuman Zamindaran, in his own village in 1926 where he noticed that farmers and poor growers were taking an interest in his work so he was greatly encouraged and moved towards the atmosphere of the city to expand the sphere of his work. Doing politics was not as easy as we see today by the time because there were no facilities of the travelling and other communication. By the time kaka ji was a young man and participated in a movement called, Nojwanan Baharat Sabha, which wanted a direct action against the English contrary to the decision of the congress committee. His participation gave a new spirit and hope to the movement. Kaka ji was put behind the bar by the imperialists on the crime of patriotism and love with his people. When he was set free, then he was a more changed man who had more spirit in his heart to serve his people and soil with a new enthusiasm. He felt the need of more integrated and stronger political organization. He started publishing a weekly from Peshawar namely, SILAB, which indeed proved to be a flood for the enemies and motivation of the general public. So the English rulers counted it in the dangerous element for their government and confiscated the publication. Not only the publication was banned but his arrest warrant was also issued. His aides and comrades advised him to leave his home for tribal area. Kaka ji accepted what his friends advised. He found that Haji sahibTarangzai was already there who was busy working against imperialists to liberate the sub-continent from their clutches. Kaka ji accepted his allegiance and stayed there for almost 18 years working for the movement of freedom. When in 1947, the English left sub-continent and India was liberated while Pakistan was born, he came back his home once again from tribal territory and started publishing a monthly ASLAM which was a standard Pashto magazine. Besides, he laid the foundation of an Anjuman Olasi Adabi Jirga .This Anjuman brought a revolution in the world of Pashto poem and literature and gave a new tradition of the open critic. This trend not only promoted the poem but prose also. The magic personality of Kaka ji attracted the poets of all shades and languages towards him. There was no question of religion, cast, creed, color and political affiliation among those who used to sit around kaka ji. He was a social and political person, a writer and a man of principles and had many books and writings to his credit. He wrote on social and political issues. Baba I Ghazal Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari writes about Kaka ji: He wanted to over power the imperialist and exploitative forces and wished that poor laborers and growers to be considered as human beings. He neither bowed before any despot nor was he impressed by any cruel man or system. He stood like rock before the cruel and exploitative system and nothing could move him from his chosen path. He was a determined and committed man to his cause. His precious part of life was spent in mountains and deserts. Kaka ji was a strong and firm Pashtun. He loved Pashto language and served it till the end of his life. Once I said to him, it is right time to take rest now: He replied that it is the sign of weakness and death. He had all qualities what a pashtun have concerning hospitality. Mir Mehdi Shah bacha says about him in these words: He was a great man and a revolutionary. His words had love and attraction. His face had a smiling all the time for every one. His talks were sweet and one wanted to hear him more and more. Great Pashtun nationalist politician and poet Ajmal Khattak says that Kaka ji was a living person and will live until the world exists as people like him will never die. Such people are alive in hearts and minds of the people. He was not only a literary person but at same time he was a political leader and reformer. Kaka ji believed that only change of faces would not work. Change of system is the real thing which would solve the problems of the people. Condition of the poor can not be changed until capitalism exists. If one likes to change the fate of the poor then he will have to change the system of capitalism. Kaka ji also believed that rights can not be obtained by just demands and simple asking. Kaka ji was so great that only one article is not enough for it. This great revolutionary politician, writer, poet and intellectual departed for his eternal abode on January 3, 1963 in his village Kaka wala and was buried there.

May God bliss his soul: Ameen

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ethical ligitamacy of drone attacks on FATA

Ethical Ground of Drone attacks
By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
The United States wants to continue drone strikes inside Pakistan’s tribal areas because US military experts believe the strikes have killed a large number of Al Qaeda leaders and local militants and have destroyed their hideouts
A US account of the strikes, conveyed to Pakistan, and obtained by DAWN depicts a picture which is very different from the public perception in Pakistan that the strikes only kill innocent civilians and children
The document identifies militant leaders as HVT or high value targets.

According to this document, on Dec 3, 2007, a Predator strike injured Shaykh Issa al-Masri in Jani Khel, Bannu.

On Jan 28, 2008, a Predator killed HVT Abu Layth Al-Libi and associates in Salam Kot, North Waziristan.

On Feb 27, 2008, a drone killed foreign Al Qaeda trainees. On March 16, 2008, more Al Qaeda trainees were killed. The document does not identify those killed in these attacks and does not reveal the places hit by the drones.

On May 14, 2008, a Predator killed HVT Abu Sulayman Al-Jazairi and associates in Damadola, Bajaur.

On July 28, 2008, a Predator strike killed HVT Abu Khabab Al-Masri and other Al Qaeda activists.

On Aug 12, 2008, a Predator killed foreign fighters and militants associated with HVT Usama Al-Kini and commander Nazir.

On Aug 20, 2008, a drone killed and injured multiple foreign Al Qaeda members and local associates, including some Haqqani network associates. An Al Qaeda facilitator Haji Yacoub was injured.

On Aug 27, 2008, a Predator attempted to target an Al Qaeda-associated meeting but missed target. It did not cause collateral damage.

On Aug 30, 2008, a Predator strike killed Al Qaeda paramilitary operatives subordinate to Al Qaeda commander and East Africa Embassy bomber Usama Al Kini.On Aug 31, 2008, a Predator killed several Al Qaeda operatives, including two prominent Al Qaeda paramilitary commanders.

On Sept 2, 2008, a Predator killed four to 10 persons associated with Al Qaeda commander and logistician Abu Wafa Al Saudi.

On Sept 4, 2008, a Predator strike killed Abu Wafa Al Saudi.

On Sept 8, 2008, a Predator killed several Haqqani sub-commanders and a number of Arabs. Members of the extended Haqqani family were killed.

On Sept 11, 2008, a Predator killed 10 to 15 militants associated with Al Qaeda facilitator Qari Imran’s training camp.

On Sept 17, 2008, a Predator killed 4-6 militants delivering rockets to a militant camp near the Afghan border and probably HVT Abu Ubaydh Al Tunisi.
Now one will understand that the Drones are more useful because the drones hit the real targets and there are few or no casualties of the civilians like Pakistani indiscriminate bombardment which is alleged to hit the innocent and leave the real culprits or terrorists.
After 2001, all the guests of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI were brought to the FATA especially Waziristan and an Islamic emirate was founded for them there from where the militants had to keep continued the subversive activities in Afghanistan. When the guests of Pakistani establishment started destructive activities in Afghanistan where the peace, democracy and development were in danger, the allied forces soldiers along with Afghan soldiers were killed, the Americans and allied had no other option except Drone attacks. If Pakistan is averse to these drone attacks then it will have to give surety to allied forces in Afghanistan that Pakistani security forces would eliminate terrorists from FATA but it is clear like sun that the Pakistani forces have completely failed to either nab terrorists or eliminate them for last more than 7 years. Several people in FATA were interviewed about drone attacks said that they were the real treatment and this action has turned the militants very confused and now they have no way out to run.. United States gave more than 1400 billion$ to Pakistan to eliminate terrorists but it badly failed and instead the terrorism increased many times. Swat and other districts of Pashtunkhwa Province were included in promotion of terrorism and the real objective was to divert the attention of international community from the real situations and Islamic Emirate of militants in Waziristan and FATA.
Those who oppose the drone strikes are included religious political parties which have good relationship and understanding with military and ISI. Both are considered same because both have same aim and objective. As for as Pashtun population and Political people are concerned, they term drone attacks very useful to eliminate terrorist from FATA. People in FATA and other restive districts have been so terrified that today people are afraid to open the mouth and speak the truth because the ruthlessness and barbarism have crossed all limits.
Zar Ali Khan Musazai

(The writer is a political and social worker and can be reached on his email,

UNHCR Official Assassination is highly deplorable

UNHCR Official Assassination is deplorable
By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
It was shocking to know that terrorists shot an official of UNHCR and his security guard at Kacha Ghari Camp in Peshawar where they had gone to see the condition of IDPs who have migrated from the restive districts of the Pashtunkhwa Province and FATA due to ongoing military operation against militants. Now a day in provincial capital Peshawar the incidents of kidnapping have risen to the extent that any one who is on road will have to feel the warmth of it and no one’s life and property are safe. Abductors can do any thing they want and any one comes under their vicious eyes will have to be taken away by them and then abductees will have to surrender to their conditions which they put before the poor soul. Such people are sold from one to other and it is said and we hear here that at last abductees will have to find themselves with the high ups of militants whose demands are above one’s understanding. There are also reports that militants active in Peshawar and surrounding areas who are fund starved for the subversive activities are involved in such heinous crimes against Pashtun People whose houses have already been demolished and businesses have come to a halt. Kidnapping, killing and torturing are not new for those who are living in Peshawar but assassination of those guests who are serving our internally displaced persons is really a sorry state of affairs and such activities not only harm us in our own homes but create problems and misunderstanding for us abroad. For the last more than 7 years we have been hearing that military of Pakistan is engaged fighting with militants but this is a complete futile exercise and seems just a friendly fire between two and getting dollars from Americans and Europeans to run the institutions which are fund starved. In such dramas many Pashtun Mashran and influential Political people were assassinated ruthlessly and lost their lives. Whosoever dared to disclose it then he or she will have to find his or her grave because no one can dare to face the wrath of military and militants. It is interesting to note that a victim of terrorism in Swat was asked by a militant as to what he thinks about militants and military.
The poor victim replied that militants are pious people like companions of Prophet of Islam and Military is as innocent as a prophet and I am the real sinner because you both torture me and killing me.
Few months ago Afghan Counselor General and nominated Ambassador of Afghanistan to Islamabad Haji Abdul Khaliq Farahi was abducted on broad day light from Hayat Abad and similarly Iranian Consulat official was kidnapped but till this day their where about is not known. We do not know as to why Afghan and Iranian governments are silent over this. Pashtun are living in worst conditions and all times Damocles sword is hanging on their heads.
Zar Ali Khan Musazai

(The writer is a political and Social worker and can be reached on his email,

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Militancy and condition of Women in Pashtun region including FATA

Militancy and condition of women
By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Militancy in Pashtun region (FATA+Province) seems not to come to an end soon. There are reasons that one will find that inhabitants of the area in question are like hostages by terrorist and religious extremists busy doing destructive activities in region who have been supported by state agencies for last many years and my statement in this regard is supported by the incumbent president of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Ali Zardari who few days back had said that the militants are the product of Pakistan and were actively funded, trained and equipped by the state Agencies of Pakistan to fight against India. One will wonder as to why militants are busy in subversive in Pashtun areas including FATA. This is very simple. When militants in 2001 were toppled by the allied forces in Kabul, Afghanistan the militants ran away towards FATA which is situated in the south-east of Afghanistan and took shelter there with support of the Pakistani Agencies where they formed their own Islamic Emirate and started teasing and tormenting the local population. Most of them married there with local women without the consent of women and such girls were got married to militants due to fear and duress.
Taliban or religious militants are today controlling about 90% of region (Pashtun areas including Province of NWFP and FATA) where the women are suffered more heavily than the others. The disastrous consequences of the decades of civil wars and armed conflicts in Pashtun areas including FATA have weighted heavily on women of the region. While the battles of death are played out by men, women have responsibility for battle of life through years of fighting, destruction and displacement; Pashtun women have struggled to support and sustain their families. Injury, death and loss of family breadwinners have forced women into assuming a greater role in providing for their dependents, a role which has become increasingly more difficult as war and conflicts have impoverished the province and adversely affected socio-economic development in all areas even those far removed from frontline fighting. Indiscriminate bombing in FATA, Swat, Buner and Dir by both the extremist Taliban and security forces have caused heavy loss of humanity and casualties of women and children are innumerable. In addition to conflict zones women have been subjected to gender specific human rights abuses, such as rape and sexual assault, forced marriage and prostitution.
Restrictions placed on women by the Taliban in FATA, Swat, Buner, Mardan, Kohat, Dir, Buner and Peshawar
Complete ban on women working out side their homes, including teachers, doctors and engineers
Complete restriction on woman’s movement out side of their houses without a mahram (Father, brother or husband)
Ban on dealing with male shopkeepers.
Ban on being treated by a male doctors.
Ban on studying at school, university or any other educational institution
Compulsory wearing of a long veil (Shuttle cock) which covers women from head to toe.
Whipping, beating and verbal abuse of women whose Burqa is not worn in accordance with Taliban rules. The same applies to women found in public without a mahram(Recently a young girl of 17 was flogged by the Taliban for going out her home with father in law, though the real story was that she rejected the proposal of a militant Talib to marry)
Ban on listening to music not for women but for men as well. Women have been leading a difficult and miserable life and are worried about their life and siblings. One woman was so terrified by the bombing of the security forces few days back in Dir that she forgot her one year child in cradle and left for Peshawar where she recalled that her sibling was left behind. The condition of women in our community is so horrific that one who has heart will shed tear hearing their sorrowful news and watching their miseries. We are willing to work in this sector and the mission of our organization is to develop the miserable condition of women folk and youth of our community.
It is very interesting and nice to hear that there are groups around the world working for the welfare of women but as for as Pashtun women (FATA) are concerned they leading a life which is below humanity and are treated badly not only by the male members of their community but by militants as well who have the state and intelligence agencies support in Pakistan. Today our Pashtun region is engulfed by the terrorists and the first attack of militants and terrorists is on women. They tell the innocent people that only women are responsible for entire mess in area. Women should remain in houses and have no right to come out of their homes, the militants and extremists in region advise people. This is a pre-planned conspiracy against our people to be taken away to the medieval age by terrorists’ religious militants who have no program for social change and development except few wrong and out dated stories of the past Arabian Peninsula.
Written by
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
(The writer is a political and social worker based in Peshawar-Pakistan and can be reached on his email, +92-301-5963337

Promotion of extremism in Pashtun region

Promotion of extremism in pashtunkhwa
After the allied forces came in Afghanistan in oct:2001, Pakistan had to save the minimum investment in the form of Taliban and Al-Qaeda . It is worth mentioning that Pakistan will be only 5% sincere in elimination of the Al-Qaeda operatives while on Taliban she will never compromise as it is believed that they are the own children of Pakistan .For Pashtun Nation both are same as Pashtun need peace and development in the region while the presence of these forces have multiplied their problems and have created trouble for the Pashtun, these views were expressed by a tribal chief on the condition of not disclosing his name. The safe havens were provided to Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives in the mountains adjacent to the south and east of the Afghanistan near Durand line. Most of them were provided safe shelters in the seminaries and mosques in settled areas of the NWFP (Lower Pashtunkhwa) by the ISI, and bureaucracy including Political Agents of the tribal Agencies across Durand line without the consent of the tribal Pashtun as these areas have been ruling by the bureaucracy sitting in Islamabad for the last 60 years without doing any developmental work for the welfare of the tribal Pashtun. The Tableeghi Jumat, a religious organization struggling hard to make the people orthodox religious, having their center in Lahore , Pakistan have a special attention on the Pashtun to bring them to Lahore and train them for 4 months or 120 days is also believed to have played a role in sheltering the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in their center Lahore to get Pashtun forget their Nationalism. Initially Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives were advised by the Pakistani intelligence sleuths not to take steps against the American and allied forces stationed in Afghanistan . But they kept continued their skirmishes in Afghanistan across Durand line,attacked and backed to their safe abodes with the collaboration of the intelligence agencies without the permission of the tribal people as tribal Pashtun have no say and no role in the drama staged in FATA against Pashtun and Afghanistan . When Pakistani high-ups sensed that Americans engaged in Iraq, then they geared up their friends Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives to initiate their anti Afghanistan activities and damage all what were constructed in the last few years, particularly the schools where Pashtun children were studying the science, opined a tribal political activist .It is also pertinent to mention that the anti Pashtun and anti Afghanistan forces do not like to see Pashtun children having books in their hands. The antagonistic negative forces understand it well that one who reads book can not be misguided easily and their ulterior motives can not be materialized. There are credible and reliable information that the Pakistani ISI started assistance to the Taliban with weapons and pelf. They started their activities in Waziristan on a low scale, and beat the weak people like dressers ,bombed music centers and punished some low profile wicked in the area to get the support of the local people. They then started beheading some people to spread terror among the inhabitants. After getting more and more stronger by the help of the Pakistani intelligence Agency (ISI) and alleged drug mafia, they initiated the steps to tease the locals on the basis of such heinous crimes like kidnapping the affluent people, killing and assassinating the political and influential tribal Pashtun, secular, democratic and progressive nationalist to wipe them off and create a vacuum for them. People are just slaves and hostages and leading a life on the mercy of the miscreants. It is also worth mentioning that common tribal have no role in this game engineered by the ISI of Pakistan with the collaboration of some religious influential people, these views were expressed by a victim of terrorism. May be some Norco-businessmen will be having the hands but majority of the tribesmen are having no role in it. Political administration and establishment are be fooling the international community by telling them pack of lies that tribal territory is very dangerous and no one except Pakistani forces will have courage to fight against the extremists there. This is a mountainous area and fighting is very difficult thing here, such lies are told by the establishment to the international community and is trying to deceive them about the real situations in FATA. In tribal region which comprises 7 Agencies and six FRs(Frontier Regions ) even a leaf can not shake without the permission of the Political Agent and Pakistani Government. How can extremists operatives and other Taliban will do their activities without their assistance ?.When Taliban and Al-Qaeda activities increased the pressure on Pakistan built up. Now Pakistani ruling junta has to do something against theirown extremist forces. First they tell them that operation will be started on such and such day. There fore they should move to safer places. Then operation starts by the military while few Taliban retaliate. According to credible information and eye witnesses military men strike the places where there is no Talib or extremist. The real places are not hit. Only the miseries and troubles of the innocent Pashtuns increase. Schools are closed, hospitals are non functional, business activities come to stand still, and people are forced to move to safer places for shelter and security reasons. People are terrified and their children and women have nothing except weeping, mourning and wailing. Men are arrested on the charges of helping terrorists and extremists, which is wrong. Terrorists, extremists, militants and military men all come out of the same basket in Pakistan .Islamic insurgents are trained in different places in Pakistan . There are camps where these people are trained, and then these insurgents are brought to tribal territory and are moved onward to Afghanistan to fight against allied and Afghan forces. Their main objective is to get allied forces teased to flee from Afghanistan and they themselves move to Kabul and seize it, from where they will spread terrorism in different parts of the world. Previously Talibanization was in tribal areas, but with the passage of the time, this spread to the settled districts of the lower Pashtunkhwa. The objective of the Pakistani establishment is to spread the religious Taliban to more and more areas of the Pashtunkhwa, this side of the Durand line, so that to create more and more tumultuous situations and to engage her Army in a friendly fight. In this way several aims could be achieved. One is to get assistance from the American and international community for the military, and second is to add to problems of the allied forces in Afghanistan . The entire FATA and settled areas of the Pashtunkhwa have been handed over to extremist out-fits and Jihadi organizations where Pakistani establishment needs to eliminate progressive nationalist, secular and democratic political people and Pashtun tribal Chiefs who are avers to the extremism and want peace to prevail in region. The Government thinks that her objectives could be obtained only through the religious out-fits .That’s why in this way the above mentioned positive people are discouraged by promoting insurgents and militants by the establishment of Pakistan. In such uncertain and anarchic situations the extremist and negative anti Pashtun forces could get safer places to hide themselves. In election 2002 , the ISI of Pakistan created an atmosphere and forced people particularly Pashtun to get MMA voted to power. MMA was especially formed by the secret agencies over nights. This was an alliance of the religious Political parties to misguide the simple Pashtun on the name of the religion and exploit the situations. This alliance was needed to Pakistani ISI to win in two provinces namely NWFP (Pashtunkhwa) and Balochistan because both the provinces were adjacent to Durand line. In Khyber Agency a bus conductor Mangal Bagh was created by the intelligence Agencies and imposed on the tribal Pashtun of the Khyber Agency who has the power to decide the future of the Pashtun tribes there .He does what he wants as he is the sole authority in Khyber Agency and the state representative, Political Agent has no role to play in the presence of Mangal Bagh. The inhabitants of the Khyber Agency FATA have been taken as hostages and they are fed up of what is going on there on their soil. Now the said cleric is running a parallel Govt. in Khyber Agency. Before this man who has no knowledge of the religion, there were two religious mullahs(Clerics) namely mufti shakir and pir. People were engaged in fighting through these mullas. When the situations got seriously disturbed and pressure built up on Pakistan to solve the problem, she apparently forced both mullas to leave the Agency. Both disappeared for some time and later on one was seen shaking hand with Ijazul Haq ,a former religious federal minister in the cabinet of Shoukat Aziz under the president Musharraf and the son of a late military dictator General Zial Haq. The other came to lime light at a time when he started his preach in Jana Kor a tribal strip of FR Peshawar situated in the south of the metropolitan Peshawar . Besides, there are other extremist clerics too in Khyber Agency like Namdar, Pir Noorul Haq and other Tableeghees. The Khyber Agency is completely at the mercy of the extremists who have made the life of common people like hell. In Mahmand Agency, an other area of the FATA which was a peaceful territory, extremist forces were encouraged there after the Govt. bombarded Masjid Hafza in Islamabad last year. In Bajor, Maulana Liaqat and Maulana Faqir Muhammad were made to lead the people there breaking the Pashtun code. In Swat an other Molana with the name of Fazlullah suddenly appeared on the scene after he spent four months in tableeghee jumat in lahore a city of Pakistan in Punjab province which is known for the conspiracies against Pashtun Nation and Afghanistan alike. Before his new appointment he was just a driver of the Chair(This chair is used in the area where there is no bridge on the river swat for the passengers to be crossed over the river). According to information of the local people loaded trucks of the weapons were seen to provide weapons to molana and his friends. After some time his disciples started beheading the innocent people of Swat international pressure developed on the govt. once again to redress the problem of terrorism concerning Swat valley the rulers were compelled to engage in a friendly fight with extremist forces. Now it is claimed that extremists were pushed away to either mountains or some safer areas. But it is pertinent to mention that problem once again was not solved and left incomplete .The situations are uncertain and people look at security agencies with suspicion. Darra Adam Khel an other strip of the FATA on main high way near Kohat , a southern settled district of NWFP(Pashtunkhwa) was handed over to the extremist forces for the sole aim of looting and hitting the supply of the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan . When the people of the said tribal area were fed up with the activities of the Taliban and more than three army vehicles loaded with weapons were confiscated, the govt .took steps to force the Taliban to apparently flee from the area at least for some time. But it is very interesting and ironic for the Pashtun Nation that military personnel were not striking the places where extremist forces were hidden, according to some reports gathered from the locals. This again was a friendly fire between two same forces in which almost all the extremist forces were safe and sound and were not harmed. Pashtun and their home Pashtunkhwa is burning in the fire which Pashtun have not lit. There are reports that the Americans have announced to spend 750 million $ on the development of FATA, but it is feared that Pakistani establishment in Islamabad are not sincere with Pashtun as they never like to see the child of Pashtun having book in his hand. Pashtun want prosperity and peace in their region and want development and happiness in their home Pashtunkhwa and Afghanistan . This is only possible with Pashtun National Unity.
Written by
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun Democratic Council

Pashtun are not terrorists

Pukhtoon are not Terrorists
As we all know that for the last several days, a violent and fierce fighting has apparently started between two sects of Muslims in Kurram Agency FATA where scores of people have reported either to be killed or maimed. The victims include mostly young men, students, aged people, women, children and cattle. Most people have left their houses and have taken shelter in nearby areas like Kohat and Peshawar. Some have migrated to Afghanistan across Durand Line, which artificially separates one nation (Pakhtoon) into two parts. It is reported that the local administration has played no role to stop the ongoing fighting and save the poor souls from the atrocities and barbarism of those cannibals who are supposed to eat the flesh and bones of the innocent Pakhtoons, having no value for humanity in their hearts. The government is no more than just a silent spectator, media persons are not allowed on the pretext that their lives could be faced with the danger. It is seen as there is no government to save the life and property of the citizens. Kurram Agency was considered to a safe haven , where the people were aware that some agencies were trying to get them entangled in fighting against one another for the last several years but could not succeed. At last the secrets hands did succeed and got what they were struggling to get. But still the shameful and prudent people of the concerned area of the opinion that the war has been imposed on them by some one who does not like to see their peace and obtain the nefarious and ulterior motives. On the other hands, an other hands an other area of Pakhtoons has been burning for the last few years where the political situations are very alarming, and a wise could guess that they have reached the point of no return. Now a new drama was staged by the Pakistani establishment, in the form of , LASHKAR,a pro-government out fit of the so-called local Taliban under a notorious mulla namely Nazir, who is said to be a leader of the Taliban in Waziristan. These pro-government Taliban are apparently chasing the so-called foreign terrorists, which means set a thief to catch a thief. In the ongoing fighting scores of the Pakhtoon elders were assassinated, and the assassins are still unknown, people do not understand as to what is going on, on their land and what are the purposes behind this farce? For Pakhtoon, whether they are foreign as well as local Taliban, both are dangerous and poisonous. Both are inhuman, anti- Pakhtoon, and anti Afghanistan. These are the people who cross over to Afghanistan, capture the foreigners as well as Pakhtoon/Afghans, laborers, poor drivers, Journalists NGOs workers etc. who are engaged to develop the infra-structure of the war-ravaged country, and then bargain on their heads with the government and the countries they belong to. A recent horrific and painful story of the Journalist Ajmal Naqashbandi turned the whole world trickling tears due to his sorrowful and tragic assassination by Taliban. May God bless his soul and rest him peace and give tolerance to his bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss, and to the government and people of Afghanistan. When the demands of Taliban are not answered, then the captives are beheaded with a ruthless manner to console their slept conscious that they have served the religion through their barbaric, inhuman, and wicked medieval attitude against the humanity, especially Pakhtoon/Afghans. The government of Pakistan seems not to take matter serious to eliminate terrorists and their nests where they are nurtured. These terrorists are the guests of Pakistani establishment who have been serving them in a better way to destroy Pakhtoon/Afghans and to capture their land and resources for which they have their bad intentions since long. Or either they have sensed gravity of the present situations like those of the then East Pakistan and now an independent and sovereign state with the name of Bangladesh, where more than 3 million people were slaughtered and o.5 million women raped, with the collaboration of the contractors of Islam, the infamous clergy. Bajor agency, an other area of ethnic Pakhtoons was bombarded purportedly by Pakistani security forces on the pretext that terrorists were getting training there. It is right to destroy the terrorists, but these rules should be applied everywhere in the country. In Islamabad terrorists are free to challenge the writ of the government and establish the courts like Taliban had set-up in Afghanistan before 2001.Musharraf very innocently announces that they do not want to show them iron hand, because these terrorists are their son, daughters and above all Pakistani. But if situations like these arise in areas of Pakhtoon and Baloch, and then they are targeted and bombarded ruthlessly, what a hypocritical approach these Pakistani rulers have for different citizens at different places? We think that a terrorist will be terrorist whether he or she be in Islamabad or FATA. Tirah an other area of the unlucky Pakhtoon of the Khyber Agency where the situations are also of the worst type. The establishment has put rift among the people and has divided them on religious sectarianism, an old tactic of the establishment through which it gets its aims in the area. The simple and straight-forwarded Pakhtoon tribles have been living in the area for centuries with religious harmony and tolerance. These poor lots have no concern with any Islamic out-fits. All groups are working on the name of Islam, which is not accepted to tribal and Pakhtoons. This drama is also staged by the administration to seek support for the own terrorists people. Because in such circumstances, the terrorists could find safe haven, from where they could easily keep continued their terrorist activities against Afghanistan. In settled areas of NWFP (Pukhtoon Khwa) the political situations are also alarming and are going from bad to worse and now even have reached its superlative degree of worst, schools are threatened to be closed, parents are threatened not to send girls daughters to school, as they think it an un-Islamic act. Barbers are forbidden to cut the hair and make-shaves. A new Mullah the son-in-law of the erstwhile Sufi-Muhammad the head of apparently defunct religious group of shariat Mohammadi, who is now a days taking rest in D.I.Khan jail due to the rage and anger of the people whom sons he had taken to Afghanistan in 2001, who were killed there and the Mullah returned safe and sound. This Mullah Ride on white horse and give tickets of paradise to those who get their daughters extricated of the school and sends them to his religious seminary. Govt is reluctant to arrest this man. Once the govt. sent police/ army to arrest him on the Friday, at prayer time, which it definitely could not, because on that day, a large number of the people gathered there. People would have to resist. These tactics mean to get him famous and make a seudo-hero of him among the people. All the people including UN, America, Western countries and political, civil and human rights organizations should understand it and do not take Pakhtoons for terrorists or Al-Quaida and Taliban. Pakhtoons are by birth a secular nation. It is evident from the fact, that when Pakistan came in to being, there was only Pukhtoon Khwa where a secular government of congress was operating under the chief Minister Dr. Khan Sahib. The present nature is an artificial one, which is prepared by the establishment of Pakistan with the connivance of co-called religious clergy.

Written by:
Chairman Pakhtoon/Afghan Democratic Council

Peace Jirga between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Peace Jirga between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Jirga is a traditional and historical custom of Pakhtun/Afghans .Whenever Pakhtun faces problem or a dispute, they call a Jirga to discuss imbroglio and find the means and ways for its amicable solution. The decisions made in a jirga, are like a law for pashtuns and they are bound to abide by all the decisions of the Jirga. Those who defy the decisions of jirga, have to face the punishments adopted by the elders” MASHARAN” of the jirga. The violators are fined and in some cases they are forced to leave the area for sometime or forever as the decision are taken with a consensus of the members of the Jirga, keeping seriousness of the crime between disputing parties. The consent and willingness are taken from both the disputing parties before holding of jirga. If any of the parties does not agree then Jirga proceedings are not initiated. Pashtun Jirga has its own elders “Commonly known as “Mashran”. The bail which is obtained before holding of Pashtun Jirga is in the form of cash money, rifles (guns) or both. In case a party does not accept the verdict of the jirga its bail is confiscated and punished.

Professor Sidiqullah Rishteen a well known pakhtun/Afghan writer who writes about jirga in his book “ Pashtun Ways ”. There are two types of Jirga one is “Loya Jirga” or Big Jirga and other is Wara jirga or small Jirga. When ever a big national issue happens a Loya Jirga is called and the problem is solved through it but when there is an issue concerning Pakhtun on a local base, a small Jirga is constituted and the problem is discussed and amicably solved between disputed parties. When a disputing party does not agree to give power of attorney then mashran of Jirga give in their verdict , in case of non – acceptance an other jirga is called and the MASHRAN try their best to take the problem to as amicable solution between the warring factions. Professor Rishteen traces back the historical perspective of the Jirga and writes “Loya Jirga has an important place in the history of Afghans/Pakhtuns. First afghan /pakhtun King “ Great Ahmad shah abdali” “Ahmad shah baba “as the pakhtun call him due to his greatness was elected as a king with help of a loya Jirga constituted by afghans in 1141 Hijra or 1747 A.D in Kandhar, Afghanistan.

Jirga is an excellent example of the democracy. No one will be able to find such as example where subjects have chosen their king with the help of Jirga except Pashtun / Afghans.

Those who claim loudly on the international forum that Pakhtuns/ Afghans do not know democracy or they are not democrats those anti-Pakhtun elements should bother to read the history of Pakhtuns and they themselves will realize how much the pakhtun nation is a democratic one and how much their contribution is towards the democratization of the institutions. World should know that paktuns have a history of the democracy. They love it and work to run democracy. If people sitting in the establishment of Pakistan including General Pervez Mushrraf are not tried telling the world that pakhtuns are Taliban and Taliban are pashtun, they all are ignorant and have simply closed their eyes. Pashtun are not Taliban. Taliban or the fundamentalist forces are the by product of the Afghan war which Pakistani establishment was fighting and for the purpose people were required and unfortunately the war was on the land of Pakhtun/Afghans so these poor lots were used by the Pakistani establishment and still this establishment is using those negative forces against Afghanistan , as the entire world understands that people sitting in the foreign office of Pakistan do keep their intervention in the internal affairs of Afghanistan and does not like to see a democratic and prosperous Afghanistan . Pakhtun understand democracy and they have a respect for all the decisions of the Jirga. All the Jirgas of Pakhtun / Afghans are democratic. In jirgas all and sundry take part. But the authority is in the hands of those who are the elders of the jirga called “MASHRAN”. Those who know the customs and traditions of Pakhtun/ Afghan in a better way are chosen as the elders for the Jirga. This is one of the important factors. But this should be kept in mind that the opinion of majority is favored.
A peace jirga is going to be held in the first week of August 2007 between Afghanistan and Pakistan . In said Jirga, about 700 members from both the countries will participate. 350 members will be from Afghanistan and a similar number of the members will participate from Pakistan . The venue for jirga is Kabul . Now we come to the point as to why this peace jirga is being held between these two countries. We should little go to the history of Afghanistan . Where there has been a war for the last 30 years or so. During this period Afghanistan was severely ravaged and damaged. The Afghans suffered heavily and faced troubles. There troubles are not yet finished. The problem of Afghanistan is the problem of the whole world. Those who think that the problem of Afghanistan is their own; such people are not aware of the politics of the world and are ignorant.

This is out rightly a wrong and negative thinking. Attacks on America in 2001 by the terrorist in which thousands of the innocent and peaceful souls vanished. Similarly the consecutive bomb explosions in various cities of Pakistan particularly in pakhtunkhwa where again the innocent people become victims of terrorism of the terrorists crossing over the Durand line by the extremists and terrorist forces and establishing the peace and democracy in Afghanistan by theses forces in question show that the problem of Afghanistan is not a local one. This is an international problem. Peace in Afghanistan is in the favor of the world. If Afghanistan is unstable and peace is not found there then the entire world might be at risk and would be at the disposal of the negative forces. The neighboring countries of Afghanistan should take sincere steps for bringing peace and stability in that country. The solution of the Afghanistan problem is the need of hour. Today we see that Pakistan also faces instability and peace is in danger where secular and democratic forces are weaker while negative and extremists forces are stronger and can do anything they wish to do. They have the pelf and power. They are backed by the establishment of Pakistan . Mulla and military are one soul and one body. But when military sees its death then clergy a long time and old friend of the military becomes scrap goat.

Clergy men are slaughtered. World should not be a mere blind follower and accept that all what a military dictator tell them. World should ask the military uniformed president as to who are backing the extremist and negative forces in Pakistan at the cost of liberal , secular and democratic political parties and people alike. Who are the architects of these so called negative forces? Who train them and why? Who funnel huge sums of money to these extremists and who have been supervising these seminars for the last 30 years?
Now these forces have turned indomitable and when Pakistan comes under pressure only then a seminary or an extremist cleric is targeted. There is a flood of the fire brand clergymen and religious seminars which are propped up to keep and intervention in Afghanistan and wage a war in Kashmir . The establishment of Islamabad has never been sincere to see a stable and peaceful neighboring Afghanistan because it thinks that unstable and impoverished Afghanistan is in the benefit of Pakistan . They think when Afghanistan gets stronger then she will demand for her lost territories and issue of Durand line will come to surface once again. This is a real threat for them and this haunts them resultantly the fire burnt in Afghanistan reached Islamabad due to wrong policies of Pakistani establishment against Afghanistan .

This should also be kept in mind that real fault does not lie on Durand line. This fault is situated some where away from here. If Pakistani establishment is sincere she should rather eliminate the sources of extremism and fundamentalism instead of fencing and mining of the Durand line. Fencing and mining are inhuman and insincerity. This is not the solution of the issue. Extremists and terrorist will never stop their movement across Durand line. They are well trained and know how to cross the Durand line. Until and unless the sources and nests are eliminated. The movement across the Durand line by the negative forces will keep continued. Fencing and mining will multiply the problems of those pakthun/Afghans that live there and are dependant on each other.
The tribes living both sides of the Durand line are pakhtuns. If curbs are put on their free movement this step will destroy not ally their relationship but their economy also which will further add to their miseries and uncertainty will prevail. People sitting in Islamabad do not know this fact and they have no time to think over the important issues. They increase the problems rather than minimizing them. In the up coming peace jirga people living on Durand line should be given representation to let the world know about their problems.

An overwhelming situation is seen in Afghanistan about peace Jirga which is to be held in first week of August, 2007 in Kabul . But no enthusiasm is witnessed in Pakistan so far. It means that the suffers are Afghans, who want to see the dawn of peace in their country. The president of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai has called the Pakhtun political leadership including Asfandiyar Wali khan, Mehmood Khan Achakzai and Moulana Fazal Rahman of the JUI, a Political cum religious leader. He had a discussion with them all about peace Jirga. But Pakistani establishment or the Jirga commission has not yet invited them to Jirga.
This is true that the real problem is between Afghanistan and Pakistan . But one should understand the problem of terrorism and extremism is not related to Afghanistan only. Now this is a Political problem and concerning to the entire world. Therefore, it is necessary that the representatives from America , Canada , European Union, UNO , Organization of Islamic Conference, Germany and Japan in particular should be invited to observe the proceeding of the jirga. This will give an impetus to Jirga and the implementation of the decisions of Jirga will be made practical in the presence of the world powers. To me a third power is needed between Afghanistan and Pakistan , as a guarantor.

Jirga is a traditional and historical Custom of Pakhtun/Afghans only. In Pakistan only the Pakhtuns living this side of Durand Line understand it, while all people in Afghanistan know the Jirgas. Pakistan does not understand the Jirga, but still Pukhtuns hope positively that at least this will be cleared that where are the real source of terrorism which intervene in Afghanistan and risk the peace there? The ways and means could be found to curb the the activities of the terrorists.

May God forbid! If the upcoming peace Jirga did not succeed and the world will not take the problem of Afghanistan in a serious manner, then the peaceful, prosperous and democratic world will be no more the cradle of peace. The terrorists will destroy it. World should deem it seriously. America and Taliban should also realize that they are unable to rule Afghanistan again. As their government was seen by people where there was no State, no human rights, unable to walk side by side with world. A welfare and democratic state is the need of the hour. The President Hamid Karzai and his team is an efficient one who strive hard to put the country on the track of democracy, prosperity and development.

General public do not like Mujahideen and Taliban .people have an obligation to back the democratic government in the Afghanistan , and play their due role in the re-construction of the country. Almost all the Wars in Afghanistan have fought in the areas where Pashtuns are in majority. Today those areas are again in the grip of the fighting. Pakhtun should try to understand as to why they are fighting Wars. They are not the only people to fight wars for the religion. Now they are tired, other Muslim countries should take this responsibility, if they want to serve the cause of religion, if they claim?

Pashtuns should be left over to get modern education, come closer to the science and modern technology, learn to walk with the world side by side and build their country for their posterity where democracy and prosperity prevail.

Written By:

Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pakhtun Democratic council.
Mobile : 0301 5963337

Terrorists should be isolated,not Pashtun tribes and communities

Terrorists should be isolated, not Pashtun tribes and communities

I have said time and again that Pashtuns are not terrorists and the real terrorists are the Army Generals, Punjabi bureaucrats and Politicians who have been running, supporting, financing, and morally assisting the terrorist organizations and providing training facilities to terrorists in Punjab and then those hardcore terrorists are sent to the Pashtun areas (NWFP,FATA and onward to Afghanistan) where they destroy the peace of the Pashtun region. We also accept that few Pashtun individuals for their selfish interest would have accompanied them in their anti-Pashtun/Afghan activities, but that too would be on the directives of the Punjabi dominated Pakistani establishment, notorious intelligence Agency ISI and some clergymen in the garb of religion. We have been telling that Pakistani establishment has two faces ,one is enlightened, moderate and secular for the west while for Afghanistan and Pashtun her second face is full of the horror and draconian.

l. But the west and Americans should try to understand that they are being frequently deceived by these crooks. They should be wise enough to know all what the Generals of Pakistan are doing against terrorism, Because here to prey with hounds and running with hares is a common practice. Pakistani rulers want to see the religious fundamentalists in area of Pashtuns ,because they are afraid of the progressive, democratic and nationalist people whom they think will demand for the non- interference in the external affairs of Afghanistan, Pashtun National Unity, abolition of the Durand line between one Nation and co-operation with the American and allied forces to root out extremism and fundamentalism from the region which the Pakistani rulers have planted for Pashtun to show them as cannibals and intolerant people to the world, otherwise the case is different from what the Pakistani rulers are presenting .Pashtun/Afghans are basically secular people but their nature has not been understood .They are sandwiched between two forces. They are not heard and the world believes what the crooks tell them .It is of course a pity .Mullah and military are one soul and one body. Both have the same agenda. The present situations are the drama of friendly fire between them. The centers of terrorists are in Punjab and the bullet is fired upon the poor Pashtun and his innocent children and women are intentionally targeted. This is the crime of the Pakistani establishment and ISI who still support fundamentalism and extremism in region because they understand that without these things their existence is not possible. Until and until the sources of terrorism are closed the peace can not come to the region. Pakistani is firing upon the Pashtun just to get 1 billion $. But they should know that Americans are not children who will not understand the childish tactics of this pro- fundamentalist forces .For the last 30 years Pashtun code has been broken by the Pakistani establishment for her nefarious designs to seize Afghanistan through clergy and Islamic forces. Now to restore the Pashtun code will take some time. The fundamentalist and terrorists being nurtured by the anti- Pashtun hidden hands are given safe sanctuaries in FATA and other Pashtun areas. They are the noble souls for Pakistani rulers and are held in high esteem as guests .Whenever there is bombardment they are not harmed as they get first hand information to hide and protect them. These terrorists are used to disturb the peace and tranquility in Afghanistan and to frighten the allied forces under the American command to flee from Afghanistan as the pro- fundamentalist forces anticipate that one day the Americans will leave Afghanistan and they (pro-terrorists) will take the control of the Kabul once again which I think their dream will never be materialized. Americans and allied forces should understand it that today Kabul is weak and crocodiles and wolves are all around. In case, the warring factions will again start their fighting’s and terrorists will not stop there. They will ,may God forbid, reach the capitals of Europe and America where they will not leave the innocent citizens to live in peace and prosperity .Punjabis know Pashtun living both sides of the Durand line are one and same nation. When one part is disturbed the other will feel the warmth. Pashtun are being tipped as terrorists under a pre-planned conspiracy hatched against them by hostile forces. They are punished by the Pakistani real establishment as Pashtun are supporting the reconstruction and stability of Afghanistan , which the rulers of Pakistan can not endure to see. When Pakistan sees the bad and hard time for her then Pashtun are used as a shield to defend her but she should understand that this deception will be exposed very soon .The present bombardment in Waziristan is the example which could be cited , When anti- Pashtun and pro- terrorist forces are clearly and loudly supporting the terrorists. When a soldier of the allied forces is martyred in Afghanistan as to who will be held responsible for his martyrdom who has come to Afghanistan to let prevail stability there and establish peace and to gear up reconstruction process in that country of Pashtun/Afghans .Those who say that the Tribal are providing safe sanctuaries to terrorists are not aware of the real political situations of the area. Actually FATA has a political system which is run by the Political Agents. Here people are not allowed to do politics. Politics is the life line for a human being. When an individual has no basic human rights then how can he will be able to tell the high-ups of ISI and Pakistani establishment not to bring terrorists to their areas .Tribal Pashtuns are faced with very critical situations. They do not know where to go and what to do? Few suggestions are put forwards to be heeded:

1-Pashtuns should be brought closer rather fighting against them
2-Pakistani establishment should be pressurized to stop assassination of the Pashtun tribal and political traditional leadership which paves the way for terrorists and fundamentalists to fill the vaccum.
3-In FATA and other settled areas influential/Political people should be taken into confidence.
4-Pakistani establishment/ISI should not be blindly followed who have been telling a lie about the Pashtun to the west and America .
5-West and Americans should realize that Pashtuns are human being and know how to deal with the foes and friends.
6-Pashtuns are secular people. They should be made friends .If Supply line is disconnected, Arabs are advised not to send money to the fundamentalist clergy and their supporters who are continuing constructing seminaries where the young are got admitted unaware of the modern day necessities and knowledge.
7-Pashtuns areas/Tribal should be developed. Schools, colleges, roads, hospitals should be set-up and employment opportunities be created
8-Youth are going to Jihadi organizations by the support of so-called ISI and extremist clergy .For this purpose political parties act should be extended to the FATA and political parties be allowed to do politics in those areas .In this way, fundamentalist and extremist tendencies will come to an end while tolerance, democracy and enlightenment will prevail.
9-FCR and other inhuman laws from FATA should be abolished as we think that this is an insult of the Pashtun in 21st century .FATA is being used against Afghanistan as was used against former USSR two decades ago. But this should be understood that Pashtun and their areas are burning while they do not know as to where they should go because we are not the part of the game which is being played on the name of religion on the land of the Pashtuns. This should also be kept in mind that Pashtuns are not against Afghanistan as they consider Afghanistan their own home and understand that allied forces stationed in Afghanistan have been fighting to save the history, language, geography, and culture of the Pashtun /Afghan which were to be diminished by the enemies few years ago. Pashtuns want to see a stable,democratic and prosperous Afghanistan as they know that their future is tied with the stability of the Afghanistan .
10-Americans and allied forces should not pullout the forces from Afghanistan . Because Afghanistan still needs them and the region as well. If the foreign troops leave Afghanistan , there again will start a war like situation where terrorists, their supporters and promoters will seize the Kabul once again and the West and Americans including the region of Pashtun will see a deluge of the terrorism which they will not even think. The capitals of these countries will be targeted by the terrorists and the blood of the innocent citizens will flow (May God forbid).Kabul will also be seized by the enemies of the Pashtun/Afghan who have been dreaming to occupy it since long but thanks to Americans and allied forces which thwarted their nefarious designs and saved Pashtuns from annihilation by the enemies.
11-To strengthen the traditional/Political leadership in tribal/Pashtun areas will yield valuables dividends. Pashtuns are the victims of the extremism in region. Talibanisation is a great threat to their identity and culture. Extremist and obscurantist forces should not be allowed to suppress progressive nationalist and secular leaders and people who seek enlightened moderation, traditional values and secular rule.
12-Tribal/Pashtun elders and civic institution should be provided effective resources to strengthen civil society and empower moderate political parties and groups.
13-Durand line should not be closed for people as both sides are one people/Nations and this is a global trend to open borders and break-down boundaries
14-Terrorists should be isolated, not the tribes and communities. US should help solidifying the basis for long term peace, stability and development in the region
15-Americans should not repeat the blunder what the former USSR had committed in region.
Let me conclude with the following lines from a Nazi victim,
First they came for the Jews
And I did not protest
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for communists
And I did not protest
Because I was not a communist
Then they came for the trade unionist
And I did not protest
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To protest for me
Now the Pashtun Nation will have to seriously ponder over the political situations in their region as we anticipate that a very dangerous situations are ahead as we Pashtun will try our best to remove the stigma of terrorism and extremism from us and show the civilized world that we are neither terrorists nor fundamentalists and nor the supporters of the said negative forces .We are the people who know better how to go along side of the world.

Written by,
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun Democratic Council