Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Afghans Harassment by the Police should be stopped

Dear Babar Baloch
Spokesman, UNHCR

Subject: Afghans Harassment by the Police should be stopped


Afghans living in Peshawar and other parts of Pukhtunkhawa are illegally teased and tormented by the Police. Police arrest them for allegedly not having proper documents. Almost all Afghans have the cards issued to them by UNHCR but still Police arrest them and claim that these cards have been expired. When an Afghan tells the police about the ministry of SAFRON Islamabad which has issued order that Afghan could live while utilizing the old cards for further 3-years stay. Your Excellency should talk to the high ups in interior ministry Islamabad and Police Inspector General in Pukhtunkhawa about the issue. This is very serious issue and should be taken seriously. When Police is approached, it simply says that police have not yet received any directive about the further stay of the Afghans and this is the reason that it arrests them and apply foreign act against them which is a mockery of justice with those Afghans who were used for long 30-years by Pakistan and now it has turned like a burden for this country which is not acceptable to us all Afghans living both sides of Durand line.
Hoping this issue be discussed with responsible Pakistani authority as early as possible to solve the problem of Afghans in Peshawar and elsewhere of Pukhtunkhawa.

Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun Democratic Council

What a joke with Pashtun in FATA?

What a joke with Pashtun in FATA?

Zar Ali Khan Musazai

It was reported in media that Pakistani Chief of Army Staff General Kiyani visited South Waziristan to see the progress of rehabilitation of quick impact projects.
What a joke with Pashtun by the Pakistani state (Mulla, military and militant triangle). What to say of Pakistani said triangle barbarism and joke with Pashtun. Pakistan has been trying to do childish acts and wish to befool international community. But gone are the days when Pakistan was to be trusted over such childish and foolish acts to deceive the world. Even today Waziristan has more than 11 thousands Uzbek terrorists, more than 6 thousands Arab terrorists, more than 9000 Punjabi terrorists and about three thousands so called black faced Pashtun terrorists who are playing an Agent role for the Punjabis nefarious interests in region. (Shame). This should be clear to all and sundry that all Pashtun are not terrorists and do hate of them and their terrorist activities. Now one will have to think deeply and intensively over the joke Pakistani media plays with international community in general and Pashtun nation in particular. In FATA people are not having any human right and are victims of terrorism. Terrorists are given free hand in FATA and they have made this place as a hub of terrorism from where they are firing in Afghanistan and killing innocent people there and soldiers of NATO, Afghan Army and poor patriotic civilians. How Pakistani real establishment claims to have started developmental work in presence of such terrorists who have made people in FATA as hostages. Were the Pakistani establishment sincere, then it would have cleared the area from the terrorists but sorry to say this junta could not play the role and still the terrorists are ruling FATA. Even yesterday, some friends from Waziristan wept bitterly saying that Pakistan destroyed them and they were ready to welcome any one in FATA except Pakistan. International community should focus its attention on FATA and hoping Pakistan will not be left alone to decide the fate of Pashtun in FATA and tell the lie to international community any more.

(The writer is Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council and can be reached through his email,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Drone is effective anti-terrorist weaponn, mr Nawaz Sharif

Drone is anti-terrorist weapon, Mr. Nawaz Sharif
By Zar ali khan musazai
Former Pakistani Punjabi Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that he and his party have always opposed US drone attacks on terrorists in Pakistan. This statement further disclosed that Punjabis are averse to drone attacks and love to see terrorists (Arab and Punjabis) on Pashtun soil and to destroy peace in region and Afghanistan in particular. Punjabis political leadership along with military and mullah and Punjabi dominated Media of Pakistan are pro-terrorists and they do not take this important issue serious rather they all like to see Pashtun and Afghanistan in an eternal misery in which we are due to the satanic dreams and acts of the said negative forces. Nawaz Sharif says that in drone attacks the innocent souls are killed. This is 100% incorrect information he has collected from his sources and he is advised to get fresh and correct information regarding terrorism in our Pashtun areas including FATA. Those who give him information about drones should be punished because such incorrect and groundless information will lead him to be a laughing stock in international community which knows better than Nawaz Sharif and his Advisors regarding drones. Nawaz Sharif should try to get himself up to dated about such important information like drones. For the kind information of a Lahore-based Punjabi Politician it is said that drones have neither killed any innocent person nor will do so in future regarding FATA. Drone is actually the enemy of terrorists and those who love to see terrorists in FATA. We have said time and again that international community should not discuss our issues with Punjabi politicians and Media as they do not like to see us in peace. Pashtun in general and those living in Waziristan or have migrated from there due to terrorist activities say that only drones are the real treatment of the terrorists. Punjabi dominated Pakistani military is either unable or is reluctant to eliminate terrorists from FATA and to clear the area. For the last 9 years the Pakistan Army is engaged in FATA against terrorists but till this day they are unable to show that they have killed a high profile terrorist there. Absolutely they can not show. And drones can show that they have killed dozens of the terrorists in FATA including Baitullah Mehsud whom Pakistani media in last days of his life termed as pro- American terrorist but the claims of Pakistani media smashed at time when drone attacked him and killed. According to our latest and fresh information obtained form friends and political people that when ever drones are seen hovering in Waziristan our people are satisfied that only terrorists and their friends will be hit hard. But when we see that Pakistani Jet-fighter in air then we are afraid about the casualties of our poor, innocent and hostaged people. Few days back it was claimed by the terrorists in FATA that they had gunned down the drone. Pakistani newspapers reported in morning the other days that tribal people have gunned it down and they were jubilating over the drone incident (If ever has happened so). This is 100% absurd that tribal have done this job. How can the a tribesman do it when he has been standing in long queues to get few kilos of flour to feed his/her children who have been forced to migrate from their native villages and homes in FATA. Tribal are not opposed to drones and they know better than Nawaz Sharif that drone is anti-terrorist weapon not anti- Pashtun.
(The writer is Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council and can be reached on his email